
Showing posts from July, 2010

How to Read data from Excel File

DATA : i_data2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF alsmex_tabline, wg_data2 TYPE alsmex_tabline. DATA : l_b_col TYPE integer VALUE 1 , "Begining Column Position l_e_col TYPE integer VALUE 12 , "Ending Column position l_b_row TYPE integer VALUE 1 , "Begining Row position l_e_row TYPE integer VALUE 60000 . "Ending Row position CALL FUNCTION ’ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE’ EXPORTING filename = p_p_path i_begin_col = l_b_col i_begin_row = l_b_row i_end_col = l_e_col i_end_row = l_e_row TABLES intern = i_data2 EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 OTHERS = 3 . IF sy-subrc EQ 0 . LOOP AT i_data2 INTO wg_data2. CASE wg_data2-col . WHEN 1 . wg_data1-pernr = wg_data2- value . WHEN 2 . wg_data1-zname = wg_data2- value . WHEN 3 . wg_data1-emptyp = wg_data2- value . ENDCASE . AT END OF row. APPEND wg_data1 TO i_data1. CLEAR : wg_data1. ENDAT . ENDLOOP . ELSE . * Error Message ENDIF .

How to Change SAP Standard Data Element Text

How to Change SAP Standard Data Element Text Go to Transaction -> CMOD Method 1: Method 2: Add this code Format is as follows DEFINE &BELEG& = ’a <GL: Old Name > New Name </>’ Old Name should be in small letters. Spaces should be replaced by _ (underscore) To get the list of all such modifications