
Showing posts from August, 2010


POPUP_GET_VALUES_USER_HELP FORM F4_Form USING TABNAME FIELDNAME DISPLAY           CHANGING RETURNCODE VALUE . * display F4 help for field TABNAME-FIELDNAME * if DISPLAY is ’X’, values cannot be selected, they are display-only, * e.g. for F4 help for fields which are no ready for input. * RETURNCODE field specifies whether the user cancelled the action * (’A’) or selected a field (SPACE). * VALUE field contains the selected value. Data : lt_return_values LIKE ddshretval OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE . CALL FUNCTION ’F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST’ EXPORTING tabname = space fieldname = space searchhelp = ’VKNK’ * dynprofield = ’X’ TABLES return_tab = lt_return_values. READ TABLE lt_return_values WITH KEY fieldname = FIELDNAME. VALUE = lt_return_values-fieldval. ENDFORM . Return Values