How to Display a Popup and Get Values from User ? Function Module POPUP_GET_VALUES can be used to display a popup to get inputs from user. The speciality of this function module is we can add as many number of fields as we want. The fields can be of any data type. REPORT ztest9910. DATA : t_fields LIKE sval OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE . START- OF -SELECTION. *--- Prepare Parameters for FM -------------* t_fields-tabname = ’BKPF’ . t_fields-fieldname = ’BUDAT’ . APPEND t_fields. t_fields-tabname = ’BKPF’ . t_fields-fieldname = ’BLART’ . APPEND t_fields. *---- Function Module Call -----------------* CALL FUNCTION ’ POPUP_GET_VALUES’ EXPORTING * NO_VALUE_CHECK = ’ ’ popup_title = ’Test Popup’ * START_COLUMN = ’5’ * START_ROW = ’5’ * IMPORTING * RETURNCODE = TABLES fields = t_fields EXCEPTIONS error_in_fields = 1 OTHERS ...
Here our requirement is to Post New Invoice Document (with new document type- to get different number range) with all the other information (Vendor / GL / PO amount etc) from an existing parked invoice document. Park Document includes both categories of invoice document (PO invoice and Non-PO invoice). Though requirement is a bit specific this program will help you to get an idea of the parameters need to be fed to the above mentioned BAPIs. BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST : For Non-PO invoice BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE : For PO Invoice (The same BAPI can be used for Parking only) border-width:1px;border-color:3C3C3C;border-style:solid;"> *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report name : ZFIAPCC0001_POST_DOCUMENT *& Program name : ZFIAPCC0001_POST_DOCUMENT *& Coded by : Achirangshu De) *& Date : February 2009 *& Purpose : Post new FI document with new Document Typ...
DON’T USE THESE UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NEEDED. The purpose of transport request is to organize and move development objects from one server (say development) to other server. But sometime due to conflict in timing of different releases, we may need to move objects from one transport to other transport to release lock / dependency / to avoid transport failure due to missing object. It’s not very easy task always, especially if the Transports are complex and contain multiple components. Things get more difficult if objects are locked in one transport or the transport is partially released (few tasks are released and locked object is inside that task). These off hand tips will help developer to manipulate transport request if complex situation arises. These methods are not very advisable as this may lead to transport inconsistency if not done properly or with proper understanding of the consequences. How to toggle the status of a Transport request? Here is a transport request where o...
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